HR Business Partner

Talent Acquisition As A ‘Rat Race’ : What are your thoughts?

Headsup Corporation conducted a webinar session on Human Resources Business Partners and the world they have to navigate. Three gems of the HR fraternity, Abhishek De from BrowserStack, Kushal Bhat from Myntra, and Ramasubramaniun K from Swiggy were invited to...

Jacqueline Carlyle

Leader Of Choice: Jacqueline Carlyle From The Bold Type!

‘The Bold Type’ by Stan has brought forward the most refreshing fictional female boss character seen in a long time. Jacqueline Carlyle played by Melora Hardin hits every note of being the favorite boss of the era. She is the...

Keeping Creativity & Innovation in check in remote work

Keeping Creativity & Innovation In Check In Remote Work!

Even though remote workers are often more inspired, enthused, and happy than their competitors in their offices, they don't have the same varied choice of colleagues or atmosphere to get their insights or be inspired which can lead to a...

Employer branding

Worried About Employer Branding On Career Sites? These 6 Tips Will Save The Day!

Over the past year, employer branding has faced some serious challenges because of the massive lay-off they have had to do due to the pandemic. While the situation is improving bit by bit and employees are back on track, looking...

Mental Health

6‌ ‌Ways‌ ‌Organizations‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Promote‌ ‌Mental‌ ‌Wellness‌ ‌At‌ ‌Workplace‌ ‌In‌ Uncertain‌ ‌Times!‌

We are living in uncertain times where everything around us is in hues of gloom and despair. While companies have adopted many new policies to make a tectonic shift in the work culture, there is one area specifically that needs...

While Employees Make A Come Back To Office: 6 Things HR Can Do

Much like how the sudden transition to remote work was undeniably riddled with stressful challenges of its own, the gradual change back to onsite work will have hurdles of its own. As regions have slowly started opening up, the change...

Are You Wasting Your Time In Too Many Meetings?

Work from home also means endless meetings. You need to ask yourself how much time you spend your time in meetings and how much of it is useful. Not just the employees, the meetings affect the company’s spending too. Meetings...

7 Reasons Why You Should Appreciate Your HR Manager

As an employee, you go through so much in a company from recruitment to onboarding to orientation, getting your first paycheck, attending those amazing terrace parties, promotion or a smooth farewell. You are so involved within the company dynamics...

critical talent decisions

Stop Procrastinating These 5 Critical Talent Decisions

When you have a small business, growing it isn’t easy. For the first few years of business, most businesses are busy surviving, making ends meet. Focusing on the growth of the business makes sure that your business stays for a...

Here’s How Building An LGBTQ+ Inclusive Workspace Is Simple…And Important!

June is officially recognized as the Pride Month across the globe when the LGBTQ+ community is celebrated more than ever. There has been a gradual, yet significant change in people’s attitudes towards the community, whether it is on social media...