employee wellbeing Employer Branding Services and Strategy

How To Ensure Employee Wellbeing In A Virtual World

A transition has been prompted by technological developments as well as a desire for more flexibility and work-life balance. Increased productivity, fewer operating expenses, and access to a global talent pool are just a few advantages of working remotely for...

Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding Essentials: Unleash The Power Of Videos To Implement A Hybrid Workplace Model

There has been a whole paradigm shift in how workplaces were running amid the Covid-19 crisis. Even as offices have started reopening and resuming former office routines, there is a large percentage of employees that continue to show favorability to...

disability stereotypes in the workplace

People With Disabilities: Breaking 8 Corporate Stereotypes with Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

People with disabilities want to be recognized for what they can do, not what they can't do. ~Karni Liddell Recent statistics show that about 1 billion people with disabilities are working and excelling in their niches. While the statistics clearly prove...

Recruitment and selection in hrm

Recruitment and Selection in HRM: 8 New Tips for Hiring and Retaining Astounding Gen Z Candidates

Your talent recruitment and selection in HRM to date has been targeting a particular age group. After successfully accommodating millennials (who are now in their 30s), it is time to open your arms to welcome Gen Z candidates into your...

5 Reasons To Discuss Diversity and Inclusion in the Workspace

Mental Health in An Unequal Workspace The World Health Organisation defines the term “mental health” as a state of wellbeing wherein individuals are able to realize their respective capabilities, are able to handle general stressful aspects of life, are able to...

diversity and inclusion

Contextualizing Diversity & Inclusion in India: Are Your Eurocentric Methods of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace Workin Here?

India is multicultural and diverse, with people belonging to different regions, religions, ethnicities, linguistic identities etc. all living together. This unique diversity in India adds new challenges and opportunities for organizations when seeking to implement Diversity and Inclusion initiatives in...

Feeling Overwhelmed at Work? Maybe These 10 Kickass Stress-Busting Ideas Might Help!

Jack isn't the only one. All work and no play make everyone a dull person. Burnouts are not a way of life. And, anyone believing otherwise, needs to reconsider how they handle work and stress. Working tirelessly isn't the only...