7 Reasons Why You Should Appreciate Your HR Manager

As an employee, you go through so much in a company from recruitment to onboarding to orientation, getting your first paycheck, attending those amazing terrace parties, promotion or a smooth farewell. You are so involved within the company dynamics...

Here’s Why Most Small Businesses Fail To Scale Up

Millions of ideas. Thousands of people chasing them. Some have the courage to pursue and build a business out of it. However, unfortunately, not many are able to sustain them. Why do they fail, you ask? Some ideas just fail,...

Impact Of Technology On Performance Management

Living in 2021, it’s safe to say that technology has replaced almost all traditional mechanisms in the workspace. It has changed the entire dynamics of the work environment viz-a-viz Human Resources and especially revolutionized the system of performance management (PM). Traditional...

new year resolutions Enhance Employee Experience

5 New Year Resolutions To Enhance Employee Experience in 2021

2020, the year of uncertainty is finally coming to end though we still don't know what's in store for us in the future but we can still make resolutions that help us enhance our existing employee experience while going our...