Recruitment and selection

10 Recruitment Trends That You Need to Include in Recruitment and Selection in HRM Plan in 2024

Recruitment and selection in HRM is a misunderstood concept. Many times people confuse it with the talent acquisition and hiring process. However, the niche is a distinct field in itself. Especially, when the global market has shrunk and gone virtual...

20 Successful Principles for Easily Expediting Strategic Hiring, Recruitment, and Selection in HRM

Recruiting is a niche in itself. What comes to mind when you think of the recruitment and hiring processes? Some of you would answer interviews, selection processes or the campus hiring drive. Well, you aren’t very far from the truth....

Workforce Planning

Here’s Why Workforce Planning Is Critical For Small Businesses

Before diving into the workforce planning for small businesses, let’s understand what workforce planning is. Workforce planning is a process that an organization uses to analyze the workforce aka staff of a company. The process involves analysis, forecasting, planning supply...

5 Recruitment Mistakes All Startups Make But Can Avoid

“You don’t build the business, you build the people and then the people build the business” - Zig Ziglar The real credit for the journey of the startup, from being nothing to the big beast of the market, goes to its...