Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder and How HRs Can Help!

With the temperature going down and the days shortening, some people are realizing that they have less energy and aren't feeling as upbeat as they used to. While these symptoms may be fleeting for some, one in every three persons...

Gen Z canditate

Keep These 8 Tips In Mind For Hiring And Retaining A Gen Z Candidate!

After successfully accommodating millennials ( who are now in their 30s), it is time to open your arms to welcome the Gen Z candidates into your workforce. There are a lot of negative things claimed about Gen Z on the internet,...

Employee Engagement

Here Are 3 Common Myths About Disengaged Employees That Managers Must Bust!

We are aware of employee engagement as an HR concept, that essentially aligns an employee’s day-to-day participation in the office with levels of productivity, satisfaction, profits, etc. But the parameters to judge which employee is the most engaged and those...

Mental Health

6‌ ‌Ways‌ ‌Organizations‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Promote‌ ‌Mental‌ ‌Wellness‌ ‌At‌ ‌Workplace‌ ‌In‌ Uncertain‌ ‌Times!‌

We are living in uncertain times where everything around us is in hues of gloom and despair. While companies have adopted many new policies to make a tectonic shift in the work culture, there is one area specifically that needs...

stress at workplace

6 Tips To Cope Up With Stress At Workplace

1 in 5 Employees is Dealing with a Mental Health Condition. The pressure to perform well with increasing workloads, long working hours, unhealthy work environment and unreliable co-workers can take a serious toll on any employee. With "Stress" being the biggest...

Gender Equality At Their Workplace

5 Things An Employer Can Do To Promote Gender Equality At Their Workplace

Despite several amendments, some organizations still play a part in fostering a culture which is engulfed in gender inequality. It's important as an employer to look closely at the company's culture, policy and processes to eradicate any element of discrimination....