hybrid work culture

Hybrid Work Culture: 13 Reasons Why This Work Anomaly is Here to Stay!

The pandemic has brought in a very drastic change in the ways people work. Hybrid working is not at all an alien concept anymore. Most large companies have been offering the flexibility of remote working to their employees, and the...

Gen Z canditate

Keep These 8 Tips In Mind For Hiring And Retaining A Gen Z Candidate!

After successfully accommodating millennials ( who are now in their 30s), it is time to open your arms to welcome the Gen Z candidates into your workforce. There are a lot of negative things claimed about Gen Z on the internet,...

7 Reasons Why You Should Appreciate Your HR Manager

As an employee, you go through so much in a company from recruitment to onboarding to orientation, getting your first paycheck, attending those amazing terrace parties, promotion or a smooth farewell. You are so involved within the company dynamics...

Gender Equality At Their Workplace

5 Things An Employer Can Do To Promote Gender Equality At Their Workplace

Despite several amendments, some organizations still play a part in fostering a culture which is engulfed in gender inequality. It's important as an employer to look closely at the company's culture, policy and processes to eradicate any element of discrimination....