Implementing OKRs: A Guide To Drive A Performance Culture

The goal-setting framework enabled them to drive focus, alignment, ownership, and an outcome-orientated mindset throughout the organization. Invented by Andy Grove, and popularized by John Doerr, OKRs have also been tried and tested by other big brands like LinkedIn, Airbnb,...

Struggling to find a job

Struggling to find a job amid the COVID-19 Pandemic? We’ll Help You Out!

Job hunting might appear to be a daunting task during the time of COVID-19 as several organizations have laid off or furloughed employees in triple-digit numbers diminishing the chances of opening any new positions. Organizations are facing a multiple number...

oyo rooms

2,000 employees are on the brink of losing their jobs – Are you next?

You might lose your job at the risk of automation! Reports say: India’s largest hospitality chain OYO is planning to cut off 2000 employees (from India) by the end of January 2020. Rumor has it that they are cost-cutting by automating...

hiring and recruitment

Simplify Your Hiring Process With These 8 Recruitment & Selection Trends

The HR industry transforms yearly with emerging trends and technology. There is nothing worse than a stagnant system that doesn't believe in improvisation. It's essential to reap value from these trends to hire more effectively and digitize HR processes to...