Impact Of Technology On Performance Management

Living in 2021, it’s safe to say that technology has replaced almost all traditional mechanisms in the workspace. It has changed the entire dynamics of the work environment viz-a-viz Human Resources and especially revolutionized the system of performance management (PM). Traditional...


Implementing OKRs: A Guide To Drive A Performance Culture

The goal-setting framework enabled them to drive focus, alignment, ownership, and an outcome-orientated mindset throughout the organization. Invented by Andy Grove, and popularized by John Doerr, OKRs have also been tried and tested by other big brands like LinkedIn, Airbnb,...

create a culture of continuous feedback

Here’s how you can create a culture of continuous feedback

The definition of work has changed and so has the meaning of performance. 2020: The year of massive and rapid change have also had business and HR leaders relook at their performance management system. And one of the biggest lessons...

how to get a promotion

6 Secret Ingredients To Get The Promotion You Deserve

Been trying too hard to get that promotion and still feeling stuck? Just meeting expectations is not the right way to go about it. It's high time to leave your comfort zone at home and fast track your way to promotion....