hybrid work culture

Hybrid Work Culture: 13 Reasons Why This Work Anomaly is Here to Stay!

The pandemic has brought in a very drastic change in the ways people work. Hybrid working is not at all an alien concept anymore. Most large companies have been offering the flexibility of remote working to their employees, and the...

Microaggressions in the Workplace

Microaggressions in the Workplace: An HR’s Predicament And Our Solution!

Microaggressions in the workplace are minor behaviors that impact members of marginalized groups, but they can mount up over time to produce even more problems. If you're having trouble identifying the source of your stress, whether it's behavioral, environmental, or...

headsup culture

#HeadsupInterns : Our Culture, Their Testimony!

Headsup Corporation has always believed in fostering a good work environment and working with young and spirited people. Through our internship program, we strongly believe in guiding and nurturing rising talents in the HR industry. Internships at Headsup Corporation are...

2020 workplace lessons

7 workplace lessons from 2020

2020 has been all about change. Embracing the unexpected and adapting to move in tune with time. As the entire world of work dealt with the repercussions of COVID-19 outbreak and faced one of the greatest challenge ever, there were...

stress at workplace

6 Tips To Cope Up With Stress At Workplace

1 in 5 Employees is Dealing with a Mental Health Condition. The pressure to perform well with increasing workloads, long working hours, unhealthy work environment and unreliable co-workers can take a serious toll on any employee. With "Stress" being the biggest...

how to get a promotion

6 Secret Ingredients To Get The Promotion You Deserve

Been trying too hard to get that promotion and still feeling stuck? Just meeting expectations is not the right way to go about it. It's high time to leave your comfort zone at home and fast track your way to promotion....

walmart hiring teenage talents

Walmart’s Decision to Recruit High School Kids and A Comparative Study on the Changes Revolving around Employment in the Retail Industry in the U.S and India

With 2.2 million employees around the globe, retailer giant, Walmart seems to be a country in itself! Right now, its focus is on recruiting high school students along with offering employment benefits of free SAT and ACT prep, largely subsidized...