virtual interview

BEWARE of Making These 5 Mistakes while giving a VIRTUAL Interviews

Virtual interviews are here to stay even in the longer run as recruiters and candidates have started getting comfortable with the idea as well keeping flexibility in mind. They might seem easier to crack, but you never know that you...


Are you ready for a 3-2-2 work week?

It's another Monday. 7 AM on the clock. Ria is still sleeping because she doesn't have to leave for work at 8 or she would be late. She is just a few steps away from her office, her Laptop. Ria...

tips how to write the best resumes

5 Resume Writing Tips To Transform Your Job Duties Into Accomplishment

The majority of us draft resume with work experience written in the form of job duties and responsibilities which eventually looks like job descriptions. This one mistake can make your resume look average and will fail to create an impression...

Struggling to find a job

Struggling to find a job amid the COVID-19 Pandemic? We’ll Help You Out!

Job hunting might appear to be a daunting task during the time of COVID-19 as several organizations have laid off or furloughed employees in triple-digit numbers diminishing the chances of opening any new positions. Organizations are facing a multiple number...

Fired Selective focus

Decoding #HumanResources During Crisis Time

The COVID-19 outbreak has caused a drastic transition in the work flow structure of every business across the world. It has tremendously impacted not just business owners but also job seekers and employees. The lack of movement across nations has...

how to prepare for a remote job interview

5 Tips To Prepare and Ace Your Remote Job Interview

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the majority of the companies have started conducting remote job interviews and we understand that not each one of us is prepared for the same. It's high time we adapt to it and prepare ourselves...

how to get a promotion

6 Secret Ingredients To Get The Promotion You Deserve

Been trying too hard to get that promotion and still feeling stuck? Just meeting expectations is not the right way to go about it. It's high time to leave your comfort zone at home and fast track your way to promotion....

Business Ideas

5 Business Ideas to Make You Rich with ZERO Investment

Working 9-5 is not everybody's cup of tea and we totally understand but it's important to sustain a living too. Now you can easily convert your hobby, skill or passion into a profitable innovation. Starting a business might seem like...

freelancers struggles

Freelancing is no Cake Walk! Here are 5 Struggling Reasons Why

So you think the life of a freelancer is easy? Think again! Because you may feel as a freelancer you can be your own boss, you can follow your passion, you can work in your pajamas, and you can have...