7 Reasons Why You Should Appreciate Your HR Manager
As an employee, you go through so much in a company from recruitment to onboarding to orientation, getting your first paycheck, attending those amazing terrace parties, promotion or a smooth farewell. You are so involved within the company dynamics and yet, when was the last time you actually appreciated the person who usually ensures this level of engagement?
A company’s Human Resources (HR) Manager is responsible for all the processes between your selection to the company to your farewell. They are literally the backbone of a company and make sure that things always work out smoothly and efficiently for all the employees – while you have some fun at it!
So, we are going to give you 7 reasons why you should appreciate your HR Manager, because they for sure, deserve it!
1. Oversees Payroll
Getting your salary on time is the biggest thrill that you can get as an employee all month. It is the HR Manager that ensures that you get your paycheck on time after all the blood, sweat, and tears that you invest in your work.
Managers supervise that each employee is paid the correct amount for the time worked and attendance marked. This saves you the hassle of spending hours following up on emails regarding your salary. Now this calls for some appreciation!
2. Strategizes Training & Development
One of the most important reasons why you should appreciate your HR Manager is that they devise the best plans for your training and development. If you are a fresher, then getting the right training on relevant skills can help you work to your optimum potential. Moreover, an HR Manager also makes sure that as an employee, you get the opportunities that will maximize your professional development and growth.
3. Devise Workplace Safety Initiative
HR Managers take the responsibility to devise safety and risk management regulations at the workplace so that employees don’t have to worry about injuries and fatalities at work. The workshops and meetings conducted in your office regarding safety rules in the office are supervised by HR Managers.
4. Organizes Recreational Activities
Nobody can deny that the birthday parties on the roof, or monthly lunches, or Secret Santas aren’t fun! It is really the HR Manager that plans awesome parties and activities all throughout the year, just so that the employees can catch a breath and enjoy! These activities also are a great way to bond with your team and other team members and make your stay in the company worthwhile.
5. Eases The Process Of Getting Leaves And Holidays
From the pool of umpteen reasons why you should appreciate your HR Manager, this one should definitely make it to the top 5. HR teams create virtual dashboards where you can directly apply for various leaves and holidays. Then it is the HR Manager that takes your appeal forward and makes the entire process of sanctioning your leaves in a quick and smooth manner. Thanks to the HR leaders that you can skip the pain of explaining your urgent sick leave to people at different levels of management.
6. Provides You Flexible Hours
There are times when companies scrap off working on weekends from their policies due to the tireless effort put in by HR Managers in ensuring this. Managers work towards providing employees with flexible work hours so that there is a balance between personal life and work life. The breaks that you enjoy are all results of the lengthy negotiations that HR Managers make for you.
7. Because They Appreciate You!
HR Managers invest hours and hours of time and hard work ensuring the right ‘ Rewards & Recognition (R&R)’ plans for you. Whether it is your work being posted on social media, or you being recognized for your outstanding performance on an email or in-person, the person behind all this is the Manager.
An HR Manager sets the seal on the fact that your work should be given the appreciation and attention it deserves. When they can appreciate you, why can’t you find the time to appreciate them, right?
A healthy work culture is a two-way street, and it is cool to recognize and appreciate the efforts of a good leader. Even in these difficult times, the HR team is working hard to create a good experience for you. So, be kind, remember to say thank you to them today.