Why Human Resources is an Indispensable Part of Every Organization

Why Human Resources is an Indispensable Part of Every Organization?

Organisational Success: Why Human Resources is an Indispensable Part of Every Organisation? Are you familiar with the fact that Google, esteemed for its innovation, acknowledges its HR department for a significant portion of its success? This instance points out just how...

positive feedback

Unlocking the Power of Positive Feedback

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” - Bill Gates It’s true. We all need feedback. We need it to get better at what we do, to get closer to our goals, and become a...


Implementing OKRs: A Guide To Drive A Performance Culture

The goal-setting framework enabled them to drive focus, alignment, ownership, and an outcome-orientated mindset throughout the organization. Invented by Andy Grove, and popularized by John Doerr, OKRs have also been tried and tested by other big brands like LinkedIn, Airbnb,...


Are you ready for a 3-2-2 work week?

It's another Monday. 7 AM on the clock. Ria is still sleeping because she doesn't have to leave for work at 8 or she would be late. She is just a few steps away from her office, her Laptop. Ria...