millennial workplace

Creating a Millennial-Friendly Workplace: A Guide for HR Services and Solutions Companies

Millennials are the workforce of the future. They are the most likely generation to change jobs. While some may attribute this to the fact that millennials are restless and always on the lookout for something new, we know it has...

Riya Singh, Employee Relations Specialist

“Be the Voice That Determines the Success”: In Conversation With Riya Singh

In our latest HR Speaks endeavor, we are exploring Riya Singh’s story in HR, her challenges, and her approach. Riya is currently employed as an Employee Relations Specialist at EMR Software Company. She told Headsup about her trajectory and how...

Gender Equality At Their Workplace

5 Things An Employer Can Do To Promote Gender Equality At Their Workplace

Despite several amendments, some organizations still play a part in fostering a culture which is engulfed in gender inequality. It's important as an employer to look closely at the company's culture, policy and processes to eradicate any element of discrimination....

hr for startups and smes

7 Key Elements To Establish A Successful Startup or an SME

Being your own boss and setting up a startup or an SME can be a risky affair but it's the idea and implementation that matters. If you have a value proposition that can adhere to the demands of your targeted...