performance management and appraisal

From Feedback to Growth: The Role of Performance Management and Appraisal in Employee Development

Did you know that 85% of workers aren't happy with how performance reviews are done? At Headsup Corporation, we firmly believe that good performance management can promote employees' growth on both a personal and professional level. Learn how Headsup Corporation...

Impact Of Technology On Performance Management

Living in 2021, it’s safe to say that technology has replaced almost all traditional mechanisms in the workspace. It has changed the entire dynamics of the work environment viz-a-viz Human Resources and especially revolutionized the system of performance management (PM). Traditional...

Performance Management and Appraisel System

Five Appraisal Trends For 2021 You Should Know

With FY 2020-21 coming to an end, the New Year marks a new beginning of the upcoming decade. Employees across the globe are preparing themselves for new challenges. It isn’t hidden that many jobs have come to an end in...

performance management and appraisel

Performance Management And Appraisal Is Transforming: 5 New Trends You Can Follow

5 New Trends You Can Follow for the Performance Management And Appraisals Years and years pass but the majority of the organizations stick to their traditional method of performance management and conducting appraisals. Not only do they find it time-consuming but...

How To Handle Performance Management And Appraisals During COVID-19 Pandemic

How To Handle Performance Management And Appraisals During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Coronavirus outbreak has left the majority of employers confused about how to evaluate performance and manage appraisals during a time when serious economic ripples are affecting the business every moment. While some organizations have decided to freeze pay hikes...

5 Best Performance Management Practices Essential For Employee Appraisals

An organization which nurtures employee development and growth with a robust performance management system will only be able to conduct a fair employee review process. It's safe to say that performance management and employee appraisal go hand in hand to...