Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Necessity or Choice?
Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace refer to the practice of organizations hiring diverse individuals (based on values, beliefs, and identities). It also means that the organization then creates a work environment that welcomes and supports such diversity.
“Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.”
Verna Myers
Focusing on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I from hereon) initiatives allows organizations to be more inclusive of varied ideas and opinions, fostering a culture that is multi-faceted. Bringing together these perspectives and backgrounds leads to the better creative and innovative output.
Importance and Benefits of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
The Harvard Business Review reports that diverse companies have a 19% higher innovation revenue. Furthermore, an extensive study by McKinsey found that better gender, ethnic and cultural diversity has a positive relationship with business growth. Apart from the financial tangibility that proper D&I efforts can entail, there are a lot more reasons why equality and diversity in the workplace are paramount. Let’s look at some of those reasons.
Improved Quality of Decision Making
Research has demonstrated that organizations with better diversity are known to display improved quality of decision-making. By the very virtue of a team that is sourced from different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, castes, religions, age groups et al – they will be, by default, multiple, varied and distinguished perspectives. This will always ensure that problems are met with creative solutions, those that will inevitably be reached through a lot of scrutiny and discussion.
Focusing on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I from hereon) initiatives allows organizations to be more inclusive of varied ideas and opinions, fostering a culture that is multi-faceted.
Increased Client Insight and Innovation
Diverse teams are known to be more innovative and better equipped at understanding shifts and changes in the market. A study by Harvard Business Review found that organizations run by culturally diverse leadership teams were more likely to develop new products. This is opposed to those teams that typically have a homogenous leadership. Homogenous leadership, explained loosely, can mean a leadership body that usually emulates similar values and solutions to a problem, by virtue of the sameness that arrives when teams lack people from diverse backgrounds.
Better Employee Motivation and Satisfaction
Knowing that your organization values your unique individuality and diversity and seeks to ensure that you are welcomed and embraced in all aspects is guaranteed to boost employee motivation and happiness.
Enhance Global Image
Companies that keep a continued focus on D&I and emphasize solidarity and purpose with underrepresented groups stand to gain in terms of their global standing. Diverse organizational environments have a positive impact on individual and collective behavior and enhance collaboration as well.
Diversity and Inclusion During Crises
Most evidence has shown that gender and ethnic diversity, inclusion, and performance go hand in hand. McKinsey’s latest reports reinforce this and highlight how D&I is strongly related to better organizational health and business performance.
The majority of this research has been carried out in favorable economic conditions. Evidence from the past also shows how diversity plays a crucial role in recovery from a crisis, be it a recession, economic slowdown, or a crisis like the pandemic. Several reports from the 2008 global financial crisis observe that banks with more women in their higher leadership were more stable and less vulnerable. Some recent evidence has also reasoned that women political leaders faced the COVID-19 pandemic more successfully and contained its spread. Thus, through these examples, it is evident that diversity in hiring may be crucial even during crises and recovery, and D&I initiatives should not be pushed to the back burner during such events.
By the very virtue of a team that is sourced from different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, castes, religions, age groups et al – they will be, by default, multiple, varied and distinguished perspectives. This will always ensure that problems are met with creative solutions.
The Bottom Line
Now more than ever, we should ask ourselves a formidable, yet vital question – should D&I be treated as a necessity, something organizations ought to introspect and implement, or should it still be a choice, that needs further pondering?
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace lead to a more productive workforce with increased profits. Diverse teams are more likely to be creative and imaginative, resulting in fresh ideas and solutions that will help you stay competitive. Valuing diversity is not only the right thing to do, but it is also beneficial for business prospects!
If you find yourself worried about how to create or promote diversity & inclusion in the workplace, get in touch with Headsup Corporation and build that diverse space!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What are diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
A: The practice of recruiting diverse persons (across backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, castes, religions, age groups, etc.) is considered as diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace. It also implies that the organization provides a workplace that embraces and encourages such diversity.
Q: How to promote diversity in the workplace?
A: You can promote diversity and its importance in the workplace through various ways some of which include diversity training, bias training to eliminate unconscious bias during hiring, the conversation around microaggressions to contain them, celebrating all festivals, and more.
Q: What are the benefits of diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
A: There are many perks of placing an effective D&I mechanism in the workplace. Some of them include observing an improved quality of decision-making at work, increased client innovation and insight, better employee motivation and satisfaction, and enhanced global image among many other benefits.